SmartBolts at IMEX2014: Booth 419


On September 23-25, the mining industry will convene in Las Vegas at the International Mining Conference & Expo (IMEX). The most innovative leaders in attendance will be searching for a product or technology that can advance the reliability and safety of daily mining operations while still managing to reduce the long-term costs of those operations. Stress Indicators, Inc. is one of the few companies at IMEX to provide this level of technical ingenuity with the SmartBolts® Visual Indication System™.

The SmartBolts® Visual Indication System™ is a tension indicating technology that enables instant visual validation of bolted joint security. An individual simply looks at a SmartBolt to verify that is in tension. The mining industry often requires employees to physically inspect individual bolts at regular intervals with heavy, cumbersome tools. Excessive time and effort is exerted during this process, and the most commonly-used tool, the torque wrench, can produce measurements of that can vary by 30% because of unknown variations of the coefficient of friction. SmartBolts® not only allow employees to complete bolt installations and inspections in less time, the results are more accurate.

The accuracy is a result of indicating technology based in the measurement of bolt tension. SmartBolts® measure the stretch that occurs when a bolt is tightened. It’s the most accurate method of measuring bolt tension and won’t result in false readings. Unfortunately, a torque wrench is only able to measure the friction or resistance that occurs when a bolt is twisted, which often leads to inaccurate measurements in the field.

SmartBolts® present undeniable advantages to the mining industry and as a result, companies around the world are rapidly adding its Visual Indication System™ to their most critical applications.

Meet us at booth 419 to see a demonstration of the technology. Our customers receive FREE expo admission and a $50 discount off the conference with the discount code 10113. Register here.

Still have questions? For additional information on the benefits of the SmartBolts® Visual Indication System™, please contact us at (240) 631-7246 or [email protected].